
Transition Tools

Video #1 
Reputation Begins On Day 1

Video #2
What if I Don't Get the Classes I Want?

Video #3
How to Find Your Classes

Video #4
Getting to Class On Time

Video #5
How to Deal With Crowded Locker Areas

Video #6
How to Remember Your Locker Combination

Video #7
Tips on Handling the Homework Load

Video #8
How to Get Help on Schoolwork

Video #9
Is Middle School Safe?

Video #10
How to Change Clothes in the Locker Room

Video #11
How to Find Your Bus

Video #12
Where to Sit in the Cafeteria

Video #13
What if Someone Sits in my Spot?

Video #14
How to Join in a Conversation

Video #15
How to Handle Having Your Sibling at School

Video #16
What to Do if Someone Wants to Copy Your Work

Video #17
What to Do if You Feel a Teacher is Being Unfair

Video #18
Social Media

Video #19
How to Talk to a Girl

Video #20
How to Avoid Trouble

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