
April 18, 2012

Navigating the Transition to Middle School Videos #12, #13, #14

Here are videos #12, 13, & 14 in the Navigating the Transition to Middle School video series. If you've missed any of the other segments, you can find them on the Transition Tools page on the right sidebar.

As you use these with your students, I would love to have you comment and share student feedback. Are there questions they have that we have not yet addressed? Do they think these will be useful as they get ready to move on? My goal is to create more videos of students talking to students about hidden rules and social secrets for elementary and secondary students. If you have input on topics you would like to see addressed, please leave a comment!

The last 6 videos will be posted over the next week. Please make sure that you have subscribed to the blog or are following us by email so you don't miss any episodes.
Cheers ~ Kelley

Video #12    Where to Sit in the Cafeteria

Video #13     What if Someone Sits in My Spot?

Video #14      How to Join in a Conversation

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