
July 30, 2012

Joining the Newbie Blog Hop!

We are hopping on over to join the Newbie blog hop. We found it at Challenges Make Life Interesting, but it was originally hosted at Grade 3 is the Place for Me. This is a great way to find other blogs with great information, so check out the blogs below and join us!

The rules are to answer these questions:

1. What state are you teaching in: Texas

2. Your current teaching position: Orlanda - Speech Language Pathologist/ Kelley - Social Communication Resources & Services (mostly Autism, but any kids with social communication needs!)

3. What is your teaching experience: Orlanda -  10 years  / Kelley - 5 years teaching, 14 years as a therapist for children and adolescents

4. When did you start blogging: We started blogging about 6 months ago.

5. Share a blogging tip: Include lots of pictures and how-tos. 


  1. hello,
    I found you through the Newbie Blog hop and I love your award. I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Please visit my blog to accept.
    Fashionably in First Grade

  2. Hi ladies! I am happy to be your newest follower and a Texas teacher too. If you get the chance, I would love for you to hop over and visit me. =)

    Heather's Heart

  3. I'm also from Texas and an SLP! I'm one of your newest followers and hope you get to hop by. Isn't the blog hop great?

    Oh, How Pintearesting!

  4. I'm in Texas, too! How fun that you are doing a blog together! I'm your newest follower! Stop by and see me!

    Teaching with Moxie


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